Geo773 - Field Studies

Course Grading and Requirements

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In-field Observation and Group Classroom Presentation
(60% of the final grade)

While in Germany and Italy, students are required to make observations, reflections and conclusions during scheduled activities. Independent observations throughout the field trip will be a valuable source of additional information. Together, these can encompass your notes, sketches and other illustrations, summaries, data, collected information, proposals, insights, comparisons, etc. (You should not offer a collection of filler material - brochures and other handouts - collected during the trip; nor provide a transcription of the notes and discussions).

In total, your group should put together a body of work expressing your insights and understanding of the various components of the trip. Good presentations will be comprehensive, concise, thoughtful, insightful, and perceptive.

You will be given directions each day to aid you in organizing your observations and tips on presentation content.


The group classroom presentations will take place on October 16, 2008.

Pre-Trip Test
(40% of the final grade)

Sept. 18, 2008 - multiple choice and fill in the blanks.

Based on:

South Tyrol Autonomy


South Tyrol Stats



Venice Regulations


Bletterbach Canyon

Hoodoos Oberbozen