Geo773 - Field Studies

Course Grading and Requirements:



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The Journal (85% of the final grade)

Your Journal should be a compilation in report form of your observations, ruminations, reflections and conclusions throughout the trip. These can be in the form of notes, sketches and other illustrations, summaries, data and information collected, proposals, etc. (It is not a collection of filler material - brochures and other handouts - collected during the trip; nor is it a transcription of the notes and discussions).

In total, these should form a body of work expressing your insights and understanding of the various components of the trip. Good journals will be comprehensive, thoughtful, insightful, and perceptive.

You will be given directions each day to aid you in organizing your Journal content.

The Test (15% of the final grade)

A test will be administered during the last class before departure (i.e. on September 14). It will be based on the following websites:

The Province of Salzburg

The Austrian National Tourist Office

Salzburg Tourism

Republic of Austria


The Salzburg Festival (Salzburger Festspiele)

Civic Network of South Tyrol