Abstract Submission
Contribution Formats
The conference will feature paper and poster sessions and open spaces for more spontaneous workshops with no formal papers or panelists ("unconferencing" - see below). Each paper will be allotted 20 minutes, including time for questions. All papers will be presented on Friday afternoon or Saturday, October 24-25, 2014.
All submissions must be made through the conference abstract submission form (closed). No email or other submissions will be accepted. The deadline for all submissions is September 26, 2014.
Panel and Abstract Submissions
There are two methods of submitting papers. Abstracts can be submitted by a panel organizer or as an individual participant.
Participants may organize a themed session and submit 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) abstracts with the title of the panel. Session organizers can submit the individual abstracts and indicate the session they are a part of, and submit a session placeholder also through the abstract submission tool.
Participants may also submit individual abstracts which the conference organizers will place into sessions. The submission will include:
- - the title of the paper
- - the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
- - a 250 word (maximum) abstract
- - and up to four keywords.
CAGONT Student Paper Competition - Call for Submissions
The Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) annually awards prizes for student papers in three categories: Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral.
Up to two awards will be made at each of the three levels:
Undergraduate $100
Master's $150
Doctoral $200
Prizes are presented at the CAGONT Annual Meeting.
The following conditions apply for contest entry:
- The contribution has to be a full paper (not an abstract, powerpoint file nor an undedited chapter from a thesis), not to exceed 5000 words, and must be double-spaced and fully referenced and formatted.
- Entries must be received on or before 16 October 2014 via e-mail to: cagont@yorku.ca. Please make sure that the subject line of the e-mail states "paper competition".
- The paper must be presented at the CAGONT Annual Meeting as a paper or poster. The award is for the written presentation, not for the delivery.
- Papers can be single authored or joint submissions with other students. If a joint submission receives an award, the award will be split between the authors.
Please submit an abstract for your poster through the form (closed). Posters will be presented on Saturday, October 25 and can be setup in early Saturday morning.
Note: All panel, abstract, and poster submissions must be received on the website by September 26, 2014. Faxed, email or paper abstracts will not be accepted.
"Unconference" sessions
With these sessions, we would like to provide an open space for less formal workshops and open roundtables and discussions. This format is often used for discussions of organizign and activism, but could potentially alos be useful for exchanges on methods, fieldwork, graduate student experiences and other topics. Participants that intend to organize an "unconference" sessions are asked to publicize their planned session beforehand and think about facilitiating the discussion. We ask "unconference" session organizers to register a topic using the form (closed), and we will make every effort to provide a room for the session.