About CAGONT 2012 @ University of Toronto Scarborough

The University of Toronto Scarborough hosted the Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) 2012 Annual Meeting from October 12-13. Our dynamic campus is an integral component of Canada’s leading research-intensive university where students, faculty and staff share a passion for making connections with the people and the world around them. This site is now an archive and will no longer be updated.

View CAGONT 2012 Schedule (Updated Oct 10)

Access the CAGONT 2012 Book of Abstracts (Updated Oct 10)

Please see map provided for Parking and Building location

Keynote Speaker

Dog Strangling Vine

Dr. Catriona Sandilands

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Sustainability and Culture
Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

"Dog Stranglers in the National Park: Ecology and Politics in the Rouge Valley"


Abstract Submission

Abstracts of 250 words (maximum)
Should be submitted to: CLOSED
ONLY electronic copies of abstracts will be accepted.
Please state ABSTRACT (Paper) or ABSTRACT (Poster) in the subject line of the e-mail. All abstracts must be submitted in Word .doc or .docx format as an e-mail attachment. They must be formatted using the example available here. Paste your information into this document and keep the formatting as it appears. The title should come first, in UPPER and lower case. This should be followed by the author list, including affiliations. Leave one blank line between title, author list, and the body of the abstract. Provide up to five keywords related to your abstract.
Note: All abstracts must be received by September 21, 2012. Faxed or paper abstracts will not be accepted. All presenters must be registered.

Access the CAGONT 2012 Book of Abstracts

Each paper will be allotted 20 minutes, including time for questions. All papers and posters will be presented on Saturday October 13.
Posters can be setup in early morning on Saturday October 13.

Registration will take place in the Arts & Administration Building (AA), Main Lobby Starting at 8AM

Registration costs are outlined below. Please download the registration form here (fillable pdf format). Fill in your information and print the form. Please make cheque payable to : University of Toronto. Indicate CAGONT 2012 on the memo line of the cheque. Then send it and a cheque or money order with your conference fees to:

Attention of Shelley Eisner,
CAGONT 2012 Registration
Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4


On or before Sept. 21, 2012

After Sept. 21, 2012

Field Trip (Oct12) Transportation pick up in front of Student Centre at 1:45 PM
Greenspace Protection at the City’s Edge: The Rouge Urban National Park

Faculty member



Billed as Canada's premier urban wilderness park, Rouge Park occupies over 40 km2 (10,000 acres) of protected open space on the eastern edge of Toronto and its municipal neighbours to the north. The Park was established by the Ontario Provincial Government in 1995 following years of campaigning by local environmental activists for the protection of its natural and cultural ecosystems. Prompted by growing concern over the limitations of its system of governance and park management, the Federal Government has announced funding for establishing Canada’s first urban National Park in the Rouge. On this field trip we will meet with the current Park trail coordinator as well as a long-time environmental activist and will visit several key vantage points in the Rouge to examine the issues facing Parks Canada as it moves forward with this new concept of a National Park.

Field Trip Leader: Michael Bunce, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto Scarborough and Marvin Macaraig, Ph D. candidate Dept. of Geography University of Toronto

Capacity: 25

Graduate student



Undergraduate student



Interested others



Field Trip on Oct 12

Conference Themes

The main conference theme is "Diversity". Topics that are currently planned include:

* Agriculture and Environment
* Citizenships, Belongings and Places
* Climate Change: Adaptation and Policy
* Climate Change: Evidence and Impacts
* Climate change: past, present and future
* Community and Environment
* Contaminants in the Environment
* Fluvial Geomorphology of Highland Creek
* Forestry and Forest Fire
* GIS and Cartography
* Health and Geography
* Hydro-ecology and Vegetation
* Localized Economic Geography
* Remote sensing and Spatial Analysis
* Renewable energy
* Social and Environmental Justice and Resistance
* Special Session: Geographical Approaches to Energy Study I and II
* Suburbia and Exurbia
* The Changing Geography of Creativity I and II
* Water Resources

Special session

If you would like to add an additional theme/topic or organize an additional session, please send an email to: CLOSED

Final Program

The program for the CAGONT 2012 can be found here. All conference papers/posters will be presented on Saturday October 13 (Schedule).

Book of Abstracts

The Book of Abstracts can be found here. It contains all of papers/posters that were presented.

Student Travel Grants

A pool of money is set aside to fund student travel to the CAGONT Annual Meeting. Money is available to all student CAG members (Student membership in the CAG only costs $45 so this is a very good investment! see http://www.cag-acg.ca for details) - (Ph.D., Masters and undergraduate) travelling to the conference to present a paper. Students must be pre-registered. They will receive their registration confirmation form back after the meeting (if they apply for it and submit proper documentation). Travel costs will be reimbursed. Students must supply receipts for travel - rail, bus, car. The pool of money will be distributed among applicants based upon distance travelled. Applications must be approved by Chair of the student’s department. Completed applications (with original receipts) should be sent to:

Dr. Randy Dirszowsky (CAGONT Secretary/Treasurer)
Department of Environmental Studies
Laurentian University, 935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6

Download the Student Travel Form here (fillable pdf).

Accommodation Info

The conference will take place in Scarborough, Ontario. Click here for Accommodation Information.
Special room rate based on availability. Please ask for Canadian Association of Geographers block code GCAG2012 at time of reservation.

Venue Map

A map of the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus can be found here. Signs will be posted to assist you in finding your way in the building.


The CAGONT awards include:

| Service to Ontario Geography Award | Recipients |

| Student Paper Competition Awards | Winners |

| CAGONT Best Poster Award | Winners |

Organizing Committee

William Gough (Chair)
Susannah Bunce
Tanzina Mohsin
Shelley Eisner
Elaine Pick
Chai Chen (website)

Contact Us

CAGONT 2012 Organizing Committee

Dr. Tanzina Mohsin
Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Tel: 416-287-7245
Email: cagont2012@utsc.utoronto.ca
CAGONT 2012 Administrative Support

Shelley Eisner
Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Tel.: 416-208-2910
Email: cagont2012@utsc.utoronto.ca

| Contact Us | ©2012 Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT), CAGONT 2012 website maintained by: Chai Chen, Last Update: June 28, 2012